Sunday, January 17, 2010

My Ideal Classroom

My ideal classroom would be a classroom that is well organized. It would look similar to a sketch drawn here;
The layout would be 5 groups of six desks bundled together in the center of the room. Along one of the walls we would have the media center with at least 5 computers, preferably Macs, but any would work really. I would have a Smartboard hanging on the wall above the instruction center. It has to be a Smartboard because I am a horrible scriptorian. It is legible, however, I would be so much cooler if I had a Smartboard. I could also watch videos and all the other things that I plan on doing with technology. The room will be set up for the techie of all techies. The classroom is going to be different in two years, so I need to start preparing now for that time. Technology needs to be present in the classroom, so I hope it will be possible for the classroom to have the computers in the room. When the students need to look up some information for a certain subject, they could do that there. Also, I would love to have the computers there for activities when a student completes an assignment early. I will have a good library of interactive learning tools they will be able to use there. I will also convert the Media Center to a Listening Center for reading or reading comprehension.

I want to have a large area for teacher reading, or Share Reading. It would be cool if I could have a rug of some sort on the floor there. In the corner there will be pillows or something comfortable to sit on. It will be a great area for group interaction. It will also be a great place for inside recess on those horrid days we can't go outside. The room needs to be big, because I need a lot of space for the ideas that are on the sketch. I am getting excited just thinking about how things Will look in the classroom. I would even give up some of my space in the teacher corner to make some of these things happen.

In the other corner opposite the teacher corner is a reading outpost. I call it this because I will construct a little shack for a reading corner. The kids won't want to do anything other that read because it Will be so cool. Well, that is if the computers won't take over. There are only going to be five of those so the reading post will be an option for all as well during extra time. The other wall will have many books to choose from. I hope to start a library so some day it will need to be a large bookcase that goes all the way across the wall.

Then comes the Math Center. It is going to be the place where all the math for the day will be displayed. It will have brainteasers,sample math problems, harder math problems from upcoming lessons, and many other things that will keep the students learning math. I know the layout and it will be a classroom ready to learn. All of my students will have a learning experience there.

Do you believe in me? I remember this video from the first time I watched it. I didn't like it very much the first time. It was kind of annoying hearing the kid say the same thing over and over. this time I was interested a little bit more because I was able to recognize how important we are in the lives of these students. We as teachers are going to have a big load on our shoulders to guide our students through life. The students are trusting towards us to help them and teach them, do we trust them enough to help them.

1 comment:

  1. This is a great description...I enjoyed reading it. I believe that this description can come to fruition and those children really do need your help...I look forward to watching you make this happen in your life....and I BELIEVE in you!! You can make this happen!!
